Terms & conditions

We are the highest 5 star rated tuning firm in the entire UK and continue to grow daily.

By booking in with us in any manner including via this website, via Facebook, via Instagram, via phone etc.. you accept the following terms and conditions.

Section 1:


You accept that we give zero warranty/guarantee on your vehicle. You as the customer and owner accept full responsibility for your vehicle and any mechanical or electrical failure that may occur during dyno testing, programming, the entire tuning process or any time after your vehicle has been completed. You are the owner of the vehicle the maintenance and any repairs are your own responsibility, any failure during the tuning process is also your own responsibility as the condition of your engine internally is unknown to us prior to us tuning the vehicle. It is solely your responsibility to bring us a vehicle in a condition worthy enough for us to carry out any work. You accept that we will never pay anything for any damages that may occur during or after the tuning process.

As mentioned in our "Custom Dyno Tuning" page we obviously do prehealth checks and logs of your vehicles to show any obvious signs of potential problems, however this does not show any internal wear of the engine or components. We will always advise as to any potential problems we find with your vehicle so you can make according repairs to your vehicle. We have right to refuse to tune your vehicle if we find it to not be in a condition worthy of tuning. You accept that all conversations are voice and video recorded throughout our entire unit and will be used against you in a rare case of a dispute. We have disclaimers in place that are required to be filled out prior to us working on any aspect of your vehicle that outline your full responsibility of your own vehicle.

We do not accept any categorised write off vehicles as majority of them are badly bodged scrap. If we end up tuning a categorised write off without knowledge due to customer not telling us then zero after sales support at all will be given due to the poor quality of these vehicles.

Generally speaking 99% of vehicles come out running perfectly fine hence why we refuse to tune so many examples of poor condition vehicles. We also refuse to tune certain models of vehicles to help prevent failure rate due to them being unknown across all tuners for being problematic engines. This includes some of the following, VAG BKD, VAG 20VT, Mazda MPS, All VXR's, All GSI's, All VAG PD140 engine codes in general.

Our countless genuine 5 star reviews show exactly what we are capable of if you are in doubt. As well as customers travelling hours from every city of the UK and us being recommended on nearly every owners groups. This page is literally for the minority less than 1% of customers that can not accept liability for there own actions, property, or lack of maintenance on vehicles that are by far unaccepable.

Section 2:


You accept that all bookings require a £50 non refundable deposit, deposit are not refunded under any circumstances. If you do not contact us in any form and do not turn up for your booking your deposit will unfortunately be lost as a small compensation to the money we have lost by you not turning up, the same applies if you do not give us enough notice to move the booking without effecting our potential earning. We will judge whether the amount of notice given is adequate enough to not effect our earnings down to our own timescale & bookings.

Section 3:

Road Legality

Under the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations (Regulations 61(7) and 61A(3)) and the Road Traffic Act 1988 (Section 42) it is an offence to use on a road a vehicle which has been modified in such a way that it no longer complies with the air pollutant emissions standards it was designed to meet. Under Section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 it is also an offence to cause or permit a vehicle to be used on a road that is non-compliant with legal emission requirements.

You as the customer accept that all solutions/deletes of emissions based components are solely for off-road purposes only, as to when, where and how you drive your vehicle is under your own discretion and your own legal responsibility. Under DVSA regulations we are advised to inform you that any emissions based solutions/deletes are illegal to be used on the UK roads. We are also advised to inform you that all vehicles for emissions based solutions/deletes must be brought to us and taken back from us either on a recovery truck or trailer as they can not be driven on UK roads. This also applies to pops & bangs calibrations.

Secton 4:


You accept that leaving vehicles with us over night is fully of your own responsibility of any damages that may occur whilst unattended in our carpark. All vehicles are stored inside our locked unit overnight if dropped off before we close and arrangements are made unless otherwise advised.

Section 5:


You accept that under no circumstance will any of our services be refunded. Once we have sold our service it is to be paid for in full. Going back to section 1 in regards to warranty, should you bring a vehicle in a condition unworthy for tuning that is of your own responsibility, you own the vehicle, you maintain the vehicle, it is your own full responsibility not ours. If mechanical or electrical failure it to occur no refund will be given for our services, nor will it be giving if your vehicle leaves us perfectly fine and you just change your mind.

Section 6:


You accept that we have no interest at all in 3rd party opinions and lies nor can they be used against us from "independent" mechanics, family members, dealerships or other tuners. The reason behind this as we have proven for over 13+ years now nobody in the UK can tune so all tuners opinions are dismissed, if they could then we wouldn't be fixing there maps daily as proven on thousands of occasions literally every single day for 13 years. These same so called "tuners" are manipulating the dyno and telling you lies to try steal your money again we can show you all proof of this as we have for the past 13 years so there opinions are invalid. The fact that 99% of the UK market are buying generic maps and cant even modify a file yet will lie to take your money. The tuning scene is a huge pyramid scheme which less than 1% of the UK market is capable of even producing a map unlike us, the rest of the market are just buying diluted poor to average generic guess work maps that show no real tuning knowledge or quality with basic maps increased in a generic percentage matter. Handed out within minutes by file farmers (big named file providers & resellers) both by mobile and big named tuners with inhouse dyno's. If you don't believe any of the above statements you are the reason these companies are still allowed to trade while we are fixing the bodge work daily.

Mechanic's in general another clueless trade, 99% of them can not diagnose or find the issue with your vehicle, which 99% of the time is one that they have created themselves when bodging your vehicle mechanically during there own "repairs". They then fob you off by telling you its the map because for some reason instead of just going to have your vehicle mechanically fixed most customers first words are "Its been mapped do you think its that" to which the clueless mechanic will just say "Yes" in order to get rid of you. Once they fob you off the vehicle ends up back at us to "check the map" to which there is no issues as there never has been, instead we then mechanically fix the vehicle for the customer usually something as simple as the brilliant mechanic leaving the MAF sensor unplugged or boost pipe left loose. This simple mechanical fix will charged to the customer for our time to repair your vehicle. Unfortunately there are no "specialist" mechanics other than just putting the word in front of there own name, and the dealership is even worse.

Anyone wanting the vehicles pointlessly "check the map" months later will be charged £120 an hour.

If you can't accept that thousands of customers have had there vehicles tuned without a single issue for over 13+ years and your opinion is going to be that we have done only your vehicle incorrectly because you do not want to accept the reality of mechanical wear & sympathy, and that vehicle's can mechanically break at any given time hence why garages exist, then do not book in with us.

By signing the disclaimer presented to you on the day you have accepted all of the above as outlined in the disclaimed and linked to this terms and conditions page.

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