BMW Calibrations

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Tuning guide for BMW platform

We have done extensive research and developed on the BMW turbo petrol engines, in particular the N13/B38/B48/B48 & N55 engines produced in the full BMW F & G series range. Our inhouse development has allowed us to produce some of the most advanced market leading calibration across all software variants commonly found on this platform out producing the competition.

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The brilliantly engineered BMW N13 engine coming as a 4 cylinder 1.6 turbo. This engine comes in various models of the BMW range but commonly in the F20 1 series. It introduces itself in 3 different variants of model, the 114i (102BHP), 116i (136BHP), 118i (170BHP). All these models are identical in terms of hardware apart from the 114i not having the oilcooler that the other 2 have, the only difference is the software from factory. This in term means all 3 of these models can be tuned to the exact same power output without any additional hardware (Common to fit the oilcooler to the 114i models).

Click Here For N13 Calibration Guide

The successor of the N13 engine comes the B38 engine, coming as a 3 cylinder 1.5 turbo. This engine comes in various models of the BMW range badged as the 18i commonly on the F series facelift LCI models & G series. Being 1 cylinder less than the previous N13 doesn't phase this newer variant still hosting a huge potential in tuning.

Click Here For B38 Calibration Guide

The brilliantly engineered BMW B48 engine coming as a 4 cylinder 2.0 turbo. One of our favourite engines here for tuning, a very underrated engine in the BMW range coming in all various models badged as the 20i in both the F & G Series. We have developed on this engine from the earlier MEVD17 control unit right through to both MG1 variants of it. This engine in our opinion has such a vast tuning potential that it is also used as the petrol engine in the combined hybrid models of the 330e.

Click Here For B48 Calibration Guide

The brilliantly engineered BMW B58 engine coming as a straight 6 cylinder 3.0 turbo. In our opinion one of the most aggressive in terms of power delivery in the BMW range as well as hosting some outstanding tuning potential. Using the modern MG1 control unit this engine is commonly found in the 140i but housed in the various badged 40i range in both the F & G series.

Click Here For B58 Calibration Guide

The brilliantly engineered BMW N55 engine coming as a straight 6 cylinder 3.0 turbo. Having been used since the E series this engine has been vastly improved for use in the F series coming in the full BMW range badged as the 35i. This engine has great potential for huge power setup rivaling with the B58, whilst retaining the drivability for RWD which the B58 lacks in our opinion. This model comes in 2 variants the the earlier models before June 2013 PWG (Pneumatic wastegate) & the July 2013 onwards EWG (Electronic wastegate). The potential of both these setups are completely different and outlined in the link below.

Click Here For N55 Calibration Guide

The BMW 330e electric hybrid, one of the most underrated vehicles on the market. These vehicles in both the F & G series house the same B48 engine mentioned above, however more than doubling its output combined with an electric motor. The tuning potential of these vehicles is immense and the power delivery is instant. We were blown away with the developed on these engines on the F series, however introduction of the G series continued to push the boundaries of this outstanding setup.

Click Here For 330e Calibration Guide
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